Open Systems. DBMS 2020, Volume 28, Number 2


Continuous Business Transformation Platform
A corporate analytics platform is a must for a present-day data-driven business. That said, companies are uneven in the maturity level of decision-making processes defined by modern platforms like that. To assess the actual status of a specific company, as well as to compare businesses with each other, a maturity scale is needed that would indicate the position of a company on a digital business transformation journey.
Alexander Prozorov (, service infrastructure architect, SberTech; Dmitry Volkov (, Senior Research Fellow, M. V. Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics (Moscow).

Low-code: Myths and Reality
The growing popularity of the low-code approach has led to a wave of myths being created both by programmers and citizen developers. Five of such fallacies have turned out especially inhibiting for the wide adoption of the low-code paradigm.
Alexey Arustamov (, cofounder, director, Loginom Company (Ryazan).

BI Systems: Migration Nuances
BI systems enable making informed decisions based on actual data, which is really important in the digital era, especially considering the need for the companies to rethink their strategies due to western vendors leaving Russia. Fortunately, currently we have enough successful migration cases, which opens the opportunity to seamlessly migrate onto a domestic platform.
Alexey Nikitin (, CEO, Visiology (Moscow).

Open Data Quality Management Platform
Data management function, however advanced, and systemic data quality management, however thorough, would only be effective if you have a platform enabling regular quality measurement. The problem is, the market may not offer an adequate solution for the task.
Yekaterina Melnikova (, managing director of corporate data management office; Alexei Bondarenko, head of corporate data management office, Gazprombank (Moscow).


Creating a Domain in Linux Environment
Just recently, corporate IT infrastructures in Russia were built mainly using solutions from a single western vendor who took responsibility for the integration of all the components, guaranteeing that the system would meet the advertised requirements. With western vendors now gone from the country, infrastructures are created using domestic operating systems and opensource components.
Alexandra Zalmanova (, area manager at domestic IT products development department, Konstantin Ostashov (, Russian software technology expert, Softline.


Knowledge for everybody
In large, especially in vertically integrated corporations, the problem of dissemination of knowledge within the company is acute. To solve it, special foreign systems for disseminating corporate knowledge were usually used, but such solutions carry the risk of leaks. One way is to create systems on the Open Source stack.
Mikhail Yusupov (, project portfolio director, Reksoft (Moscow).

Change From Exchange: No-Stress Migration
During their presence in the Russian market, many western vendors had all but hijacked a number of IT segments, with some of their solutions having effectively become reference ones, hindering migration onto alternative domestic platforms. One of those solutions is Microsoft Exchange Server.
Vitaly Popov (, director of infrastructure projects department, Softline (Moscow).


BI Import Substitution: To be or not to be?
Russia's journey towards technology independence has entered an active stage in regard both to IT and the economy as a whole. Obviously, the trend concerns business intelligence systems as well.
Alexey Mednikov (, chief innovation officer, Dmitry Dorofeyev (, design manager, Luxms Group (Saint Petersburg).


X5: From Sales Planning to Shelf Monitoring
Revenue losses that retail chains incurred due to reduced availability of some product categories can be as high as 20%. The forecasting platform created by X5 Group has helped the company to significantly reduce unwanted events such as the absence of a product on the shelf, wrong placement, or lack of a price tag.
Nikolai Smirnov (, freelance writer (Moscow)

DevOps Talent: An Anti-Shortage Program
The IT industry is facing a shortage of DevOps engineers whose expertise and skills are indispensable for virtually every digital business these days. A large-scale project undertaken by Rostelecom is aimed at remedying the situation.
Irina Sheyan (, staff writer, Open Systems.DBMS Journal (Moscow).


ChatGPT: A Real Breakthrough or Just Hype?
Generative artificial intelligence systems are now known for quite some time, although many identify the recent emergence of ChatGPT with a global revolution both in IT and society. What is a real breakthrough, and what is just hype about the chatbot?
Vladimir Soloviev (, CEO, CIARS; chair of AI department, Moscow Technical University of Communication and Informatics.

PostgreSQL Ins and Outs
The exodus of western IT vendors from Russia has led to shrinkage of local enterprise database market. The way out is PostgreSQL, with major Russian financial and industrial corporations having migrated to the database without waiting for imported software products to “turn into a pumpkin”. However, it is no typical task for a corporation to maintain an opensource solution, tracking its development and ensuring guaranteed reliability of the system-level code. For PostgreSQL, those tasks are handled by Postgre Professional, a company offering the Postgres Pro database that is included into the Unified Registry of Russian Software Products.
Dmitry Volkov (, senior fellow, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics.
Circular Smart Cities
The December, 2022 issue of Computer (IEEE Computer Society, V. 55, No. 12, 2022) covers subjects related to sustainable development of smart cities based on circular economy.
Alexander Tyrenko (, independent writer (Moscow).