Option Explicit
Dim oRoot, oOU, strContainer, oUser, strUser
strContainer = ?LDAP://ou=finance,dc=acme,dc=com?
?* IADs::PutEx Constants


?* Scenario 1                                        ADSI Interface 
Set oOU = GetObject(strContainer)
Set oUser = oOU.Create(?User?, ?cn=Judy Schneider?)	? IADsContainer
oUser.Put ?sAMAccountName?, ?JudyS?	? IADs
oUser.SetInfo						? IADs
oUser.SetPassword ?qwerty?	? IADsUser
oUser.AccountDisabled = FALSE	? IADs
?* Setting Optional User Properties
?* ——————————————
?* The following user properties are divided into groups that correspond
?* to the property pages available in the Active Directory Users and
?* Computers snap-in?s User Properties dialog box. The attribute names
?* in the code on the left are the LDAP display names of the attribute.
?* The names referenced in the comments to the right are the labels that
?* appear on the property pages. The mapping between LDAP display
?* names and property page labels is stored in the attributeDisplayNames 
?* property that is a member of the displaySpecifier class.
?* General Property Page
oUser.givenName = ?Judy?		? First Name
oUser.initials = ?JAS?				? Initials
oUser.sn = ?Schneider?	? Last Name
oUser.displayName = ?Judy Schneider?	? Display Name
oUser.description = ?Comptroller?	? Description
oUser.physicalDeliveryOfficeName = ?12/3456?	? Office Location
oUser.telephoneNumber = ?(111) 111-1111?	? Telephone Number
oUser.otherTelephone = Array(?(222) 222-2222?, _ 
                           ?(333) 333-3333?)	? Phone Number (Others) 
oUser.mail = ?judys@acme.com?	? Email Address
oUser.wWWHomePage = ?http://acme.com/judys?	? Web Page Address
oUser.url = Array(?http://anotherUrl?, _ 
                ?http://yetanotherUrl?)	? Web Page Address (Others)
?* Address Property Page
oUser.streetAddress = ?1 Wall Street?	? Street Address
oUser.postOfficeBox = ?N/A?	? Post Office Box
oUser.l = ?New York?	? City
oUser.st = ?NY?	? State/Province
oUser.postalCode = ?10005?	? ZIP/Postal Code
oUser.co = ?United States?	? Country
?* Account Property Page
oUser.userPrincipalName = ?judys?	? Logon Name
oUser.userWorkstations = ?jasdesktop? & ?,? & _
                      ?jaslaptop?	? Log On To...	? Logon Workstations
oUser.pwdLastSet = CLng(-1)	? Disable ?User must change
		? password at next logon?
oUser.AccountExpirationDate = Date + 1	? Account expires - End of:
?* Profile Property Page
? User profile - Profile path
oUser.profilePath = ?%LOGONSERVER%Documents and Settingsjudys?
? User profile - Logon script
oUser.scriptPath = ?logon.wsf //job:finance?
? Home Drive
oUser.homeDrive = ?H:?
? Home Folder
oUser.homeDirectory = ?%LOGONSERVER%Documents and Settingsjudys?
?* Telephones Property Page
oUser.homePhone = ?(444) 444-4444?	? Home Phone 
oUser.otherHomePhone = Array(?(555) 555-5555?, _ 
                      ?(666) 666-6666?)	? Home Phone (Others) 
oUser.pager = ?(777) 777-7777?	? Pager Number
oUser.otherPager = Array(?(888) 888-8888?, _ 
                      ?(999) 999-9999?)	? Pager Number (Others)
oUser.mobile = ?(000) 000-0000?	? Mobile Number
oUser.otherMobile = Array(?(aaa) aaa-aaaa?, _ 
                       ?(bbb) bbb-bbbb?)	? Mobile Number (Others)
oUser.facsimileTelephoneNumber = _
  						 ?(ccc) ccc-cccc?	? Fax Number
oUser.otherFacsimileTelephoneNumber = _
   Array(?(ddd) ddd-dddd?, ?(eee) eee-eeee?)	? Fax Number (Others)
oUser.ipPhone = ?		? IP Phone Number
oUser.otherIpPhone = Array(?,?	? IP Phone Number (Others)
oUser.info = ?Primary contact number: Mobile?	? Notes
?* Organization Property Page
oUser.title = ?Senior Comptroller?	? Job Title
oUser.department = ?Accounting & Finance?	? Department
oUser.company = ?Acme Widgets?	? Company
?* Miscellaneous: Not Accessible Via UI by Default...
oUser.middleName = ?Anne?	? Middle Name
oUser.employeeID = ?23?	? Employee ID
oUser.comment = ?Vegatarian?	? Comment
oUser.personalTitle = ?Accountant?	? Title
oUser.division = ?Corporate?	? Division
oUser.otherMailbox = Array(?judys@hotmail.com?, _
                        ?judys@zdnetonebox.com?)	? Email Address (Others)
oUser.homePostalAddress = ?10 Carriage Circle?	? Home Address
oUser.c = ?US?	? Country Abbreviation
oUser.primaryTelexNumber = ?(fff) fff-ffff?	? Telex Number
oUser.telexNumber = Array(?(ggg) ggg-gggg?, _ 
                      ?(hhh) hhh-hhhh?)	? Telex Number (Others)
oUser.primaryInternationalISDNNumber = _ 
                   ?InternationalISDNNumber1?	? International ISDN Number
Set oOU = Nothing
Set oUser = Nothing


?* Scenario 2                                        ADSI Interface
strUser = ?LDAP://cn=Judy Schneider,ou=finance,dc=acme,dc=com?
Set oUser = GetObject(strUser)
oUser.Put ?homePostalAddress?, ?39 Echo Mill Drive?	? IADs
oUser.Put ?homePhone?, ?(123) 456-7890?		? IADs
          ?otherHomePhone?,    _
          Array(?(098) 765-4321?)		? IADs
oUser.SetInfo							? IADs
Set oUser = Nothing


?*                                                   ADSI Interface 
strContainer = ?LDAP://ou=executive,dc=acme,dc=com?
strUser = ?LDAP://cn=Judy Schneider,ou=finance,dc=acme,dc=com?
Set oOU = GetObject(strContainer)
oOU.MoveHere strUser, ?cn=Judy Schneider?		? IADsContainer
Set oOU = Nothing


?*                                                   ADSI Interface
strContainer = ?LDAP://ou=executive,dc=acme,dc=com?
strUser = ?LDAP://cn=Judy Schneider,ou=executive,dc=acme,dc=com?
Set oOU = GetObject(strContainer)
oOU.Delete ?User?, ?cn=Judy Schneider?		? IADsContainer
Set oOU = Nothing
Конец Листинга 2